I wonder how many other moms stress over the smallest details and who lets some things slide so they can accomplish the most important ones. And what happens when we let things slide? Do we feel guilty we never made it to eat lunch at school with our kids more than once this year? Or worry that if we don't keep perfect records for our home business we'd have to pay more taxes? Well, yes and yes. It's hard to keep a good balance when you are a perfectionist. I am not saying I'm a perfectionist to give myself a pat on the back. I am a perfectionist more out of fear for what will happen if I don't get it all done, and done "right." With the stress of that, I don't even always get joy and comfort from the fruits of my perfectionism.
I read an article recently (see below link) about what you should stop doing so you can become more productive and lo and behold, there was my problem! As a belated Mother's Day gift to myself (and my family who puts up with me when I'm not paying attention to them because I have a million things on my mind), I am going to do my best from now on to let some things go so I can do other things really well. I never liked getting a million things halfway done anyway (or half-assed as my mom would say, God rest her soul and happy belated Mother's Day! Oh, and thanks for the OCD mom!). If I can "perfect" being imperfect, I'm sure I'll be a happier and more productive mom.
7 Things You Need to Stop Doing To Be More Productive, Backed By Science
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